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Fermob - Outdoor Seating & Tables


Paisans Collection

Ofgo Studio

Ofgo Studio - Workplace Environments

Via Seating

All-Ways Collection


Seaside Collection

Hi5 Furniture

Gather Collection


Enwork - Cayman Collection


PIXL Acoustic Tile


New Outdoor Line!


Professional Contract Resources

We are a manufacturer representative group covering the territory of Nebraska and Iowa. PCR offers commercial solutions ranging from seating and tables to glass-boards, architectural resin panels, and acoustic solutions.

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About us

We go together like peanut butter and jelly.

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Our Products

We've got some cool stuff... take a peek.

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We are about Positivity. Trust, Communication, Fun, Furniture and Friends.

Our Partners

We love helping to provide product solutions for a more enjoyable environment.
Our Story

We have a product just for that.

We partner with some of the best manufacturers with the perfect product solution for your project.

Contact US

Have a product question, need a sample, or want to schedule a meeting? Maybe you need life advice or a dad joke to lighten the mood?

We are here to help! 

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